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CENTRE CALLS FOR LOCKDOWN EXTENSION, here’s what the whole lockdown action plan is!!

As the nation sits on pins, anticipating the decision of the 21-day lockdown that was supposed to end on 14 April. However, as the number of cases rises to a staggering 9,352 and a death toll of 324, it seems obvious that the lockdown must be extended. The Prime Minister conducted a video conference with the Chief Ministers of the various states to know their opinions and suggestions to arrive at a consensus regarding the extension of the lockdown. During the conference, ten states voted in favor of the lockdown and appealed to the Central government to extend the nationwide lockdown. Delhi Chief Minister had said that though states such as Odisha and Punjab have already extended their respective state lockdown to 30 April, these efforts may be ineffective unless implemented at a national level. Further Arvind Kejriwal later tweeted that the Prime Minister had taken the right decision to extend the lockdown.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be addressing the nation tomorrow,14 April at 10 am
regarding the lockdown and the decision taken by considering the advice of several economists and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).

“Extended current Lockdown”

Several individuals have speculations and reservations regarding the extended lockdown, many assuming that it will be extended to 30th April due to the unprecedented rate at which the cases are increasing in the country and that a prolonged state-imposed quarantine was the only way to stop the spread of the novel COVID-19.

Very few believe that the lockdown would be extended such that all the regulations of the
21-day lockdown will remain intact in the extended period with no change in rules to be
followed. This would result in the complete stagnation of the economy with the exception of essential sectors which would also suffer to an extent due to a limited workforce and stock.

Many states have stated that such a scenario akees place, the central government will have to provide more economic and fiscal packages to the vulnerable classes.

“Staggered Exit and Phase Lifting”

However, several reports of the government and evidence point to a staggered and phased off the extension of the lockdown. The Ministry of Home Affairs had ordered that all fishing and aquaculture activities were to be allowed to resume their activities. Prime Minister Modi had also recently stated: “Jaan Bhi Jahaan Bhi” which translates to “Life and Livelihood”. Many have analyzed this to point towards the opening of certain sectors of the economy including small scale industries and liquor shops in the low infected or non-infected areas. Further, in line with the recommendations of the FICCI report and suggestions laid down by Raghuram Rajan the former RBI governor, government sources state that in order to avoid complete economic stagnation, workers may be made to live on-site during the quarantine period and will be made to follow social distancing measures to ensure a steady flow of workforce to the industrial areas
to resume activities.

Further, special transport such as buses may be organized to transport the migrant workers from camps to the factories and industrial areas after the proper screening to resume industrial production.
Reports also add that many high ranking officials will start going to work followed by a number of subordinate officials according to a roaster in low infected areas to carry our pending processes.

“Special Colour Zones”

Many reports and statements have been given by the Haryana Chief Minister that point towards the dividing of the country into three zones according to color- red, orange and green.
Red zones will be those areas which are considered hotspots and will be completely sealed off; orange zones will be those areas with a limited number of cases and no rate of increase and limited small scale industries, farming and transport will be allowed; green zones will experience very limited restrictions as they will have no cases.

However, it has been made clear several times that transport by air, rail, and road will be
prohibited to ensure that there is no inter-state transportation which will render the extension ineffective.

“States want complete lockdown till 30 April”

While all sources and clues point towards a staggered exit from the lockdown rather than a prolonged period with similar restrictions, many are still apprehensive of the decision. Several states including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Punjab have pushed for a continued complete lockdown all over the country, such a decision threatens the Indian economy. The decision shall be announced tomorrow when PM Narendra Modi addresses the nation.

Update 10:50 a.m :

PM’s 25 minutes Speech

Centre calls for lockdown extension in India till May 3

Strictness to continue till April 20th.
After April 20th coronavirus free zones might have some graded relaxations to help the daily wage workers for their livelihood and if a single case is found in that zone the relaxations will get eliminated.
A well explained guideline file will be released tomorrow to make people aware and to clear their doubts about this LOCKDOWN 2.0
PM further appealed the young scientist and medical researchers of the nation to come forward and take the responsibility of inventing the Covid19 vaccine as soon as possible for human welfare.
PM also cleared the doubts about the supply and stock of ration and medical facilities, said ‘India has all the required ration and medical stock for the smooth supply in the country.’ He put great emphasis on people to have patience and follow the lockdown rules strictly and be together in this fight against Coronavirus.

7 things PM MODI requested the nation saying, ‘7 BAATON MEIN SABKA SAATH‘ :

  1. To take proper care of the elders of the family especially who are already suffering from a particular disease.
  2. To follow the rules of lockdown strictly and practice social distancing.
  3. To use the home made face mask to cover the face while going out.
  4. To increase the immunity have homemade kadhas and drinks.
  5. Requested everyone in the nation to download the AROGYA SETU APP and also to encourage other people to download it as well.
  6. To help the poor the people in this crisis, donate them food and give whatever support we can, Also requested not to fire any workers or helpers included the business or household works.
  7. To respect, support and appreciate the efforts of soldiers of the coronavirus fight i.e. our doctors and medical staff.

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