The Veteran actor and Bollywood’s megastar Dilip Kumar was diagnosed with Bilateral Pleural Effusion. He was hospitalised in Mumbai’s PD Hinduja Hospital due to issues in breathing. It’s been a couple of while that the actor is unwell and often pays a visit to the hospital for this daily check-up.
The megastar ages 98 now, he has given us some super and blockbuster movies that we cannot even forget in this generation. He is one of the most loved actor Bollywood has ever found. It was reported that the Actor was also admitted to the hospital for covid-19 and now the doctors have confirmed that he has been diagnosed with Bilateral Pleural effusion and is on the support of oxygen but the doctor also stated that he is not in ICU and his condition is stable and he might get discharged in a couple of days.
His wife Banu said that “ He was not feeling well today morning and was at short of breath, he is in Khar Hinduja non-Covid Hospital for investigation and routine tests.” The actor is an icon to every people, his first debut was Jwar Bhata in 1944 and has given some iconic movies like” Mughal-e-Azam” “Kohinoor” “Devdas” and so on.
He was last seen on screen in “QILA” 1998. His Twitter has also updated his fans about his health. His fans couldn’t help but pray for his fastest recovery the comment section was flooded with overwhelming wishes and with prayers for his recovery by his fans.
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