The Sinner is a crime mystery drama series, the season 1 of which was released on Netflix in 2017. The first season is adapted from Petra Hammesfahr, a German crime writer’s novel The Sinner. After the praise received for season 1, makers have released season 2 in 2018 and season 3 in March 2020. All the seasons can be watched as standalone with only Bill Pullman being the main lead in all the seasons who has played the role of “Detective”, Harry Ambrose.
Each season has a different situation and character around which the story has been developed. Season 1 is around Cora, a mentally disturbed woman, season 2 is around a young boy Julian and the latest season is around Jamie, an expectant father.
Therefore, if you are a lover of crime and mystery shows and you have not watched The Sinners yet, then this series is perfect for you to binge on. Also, for all the fans of The Sinners out there, the makers have announced that there is going to be a season 4 as well.
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