Home » Entertainment » Hollywood Actress Hilary Heath Died At The Age Of 74 Due To Corona Virus

Hollywood Actress Hilary Heath Died At The Age Of 74 Due To Corona Virus

Hilary Heath is a British Hollywood actress who was best known for her acting roles in movies like wuthering heights passed away last week following complications from Corona virus. Heath was born on May 6 1945. The news of her death was delivered by her Godson. “We lost my wonderful Godmother Hilary Heath to Covid-19 last week”. Before the time of her death Hilary was also a movie producer. The sad news was announced on a Facebook post by her Godson Alex Williams. Before her demise she worked with clinics all over the world and she always regarded this as her most valuable work.

Hilary Heath died leaving behind her ex husband and two children. She produced many movies including Nil by mouth and Awfully big Adventure. In her mid 60’s she won a masters degree in psychology from Oxford. The famous actress was also known for her role in The witchfinder General. Hilary got divorced in 1989 after marrying a talent agent Duncan Heath in 1974, it was with him that she had her two kids Daniel and Laura. She also helped in founding The independent talent Group.

The Corona virus pandemic has hit the world really hard claiming lots of innocent lives and affecting the world economically. There are more than 1.6 million cases of Covid-19 all over the world with about 90,000 deaths. In 1986 Hilary starred in the movie The worst witch and her great performance won her the cable ace award in 1988. In 1969 she also starred in Sunday Night Theatre The Comic. She also became an addiction counselor before her death. Hilary was born Hilarious Determine in Liverpool, England. Before her dad and tragic death her last role as a producer was the Ministries Jamaica Inn in 2014.

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