The Union Home Ministry on Friday hailed green sign to Indian Railways to run the exceptional train to move the labourers, pilgrims, tourists and students stranded across the nation. Indian Railway had stopped all the trains when Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed nation-wide lockdown since March 24 amid the spread of novel coronavirus.
R.D. Bajpai Railway Executive Director in a statement stated that it was chosen to run “Shramik Special” trains to return migrant labourers, pilgrims, travellers, students, and others to their local states.
According to the statement released by Ministry of Railways on Friday, it is said, these unique trains will run from point to point on the solicitation of both the concerned state governments according to the standard conventions for sending and accepting such stranded people. The Railways and state governments will select senior authorities as nodal officials for coordination and smooth activity of these ‘Shramik Special’ train.
The travellers must be screened by the sending states and just those discovered asymptomatic would be permitted to travel. Sending State Governments should acquire these people groups that can be suited in the train to the assigned Railway Station in purified transports following social removing standards and different safety measures. It will be required for each passenger to wear face spread. Suppers and drinking water would be given to the travellers by the sending states at the beginning station, added in the statement
The Railways will attempt to guarantee social removing standards and cleanliness with the collaboration of travellers. On longer courses, the Railways will give a supper en route during the excursion, included in the statement.
As per the reports from the officials, each train will ship 1200 travellers, including stranded individuals, railroad staff and RPF workforce. For social separating, every compartment will convey just 50-55 travellers. The middle seats in 3-Tier coaches will be kept vacant. Of the all 24 coaches in a train, just 22 will carry travellers and there will be no connectivity between the compartments.