Tiger and Tiger Zinda Hai were total hits on the box office bringing in total revenue of 890 crores. Katrina Kaif and Salman Khan, the dynamic duo who were shooting in Russia during late august and are now headed to Turkey for their next schedule. Emraan Hashmi was spotted during the wee hours on the 2nd of September along with Mr Hashmi posting a selfie of himself on Instagram with the caption, ‘Catching a red-eye flight to 🇹🇷 !! ✈️‘. Fans reacted to this post with utmost enthusiasm upon realization.
Nonetheless, neither parties have neither confirmed nor denied the rumoured collaboration. Maneesh Sharma who rose to fame due to Band Baaja Baarat has taken up the opportunity to direct the movie and plans on shooting in Russia and Istanbul. A few clicks from the sets in Russia show Mr Khan in an unrecognizable avatar and the team will be shooting high octane sequences in Istanbul. Emraan Hashami was last seen in Chehre alongside Amitabh Bachchan and Rhea Chakraborty.
Also Read | R Madhavan is all set for body transformation shares PICS from the gym.
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