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It’s not just a revenge story: Shoojit Sircar on ‘Sardar Udham’

Shoojit Sircar’s new movie “Sardar Udham” has become quite popular among the audience. This huge popularity is not only because of the struggle for India’s independence. The director was overwhelmed by the response that he got for the movie. 

It's not just a revenge story: Shoojit Sircar on 'Sardar Udham'

He said in a recent interview “I wanted to say that it’s not just a revenge story. Udham Singh was not in London just for revenge. He assassinated O’Dwyer (in 1940) maybe because he did not have any other option, that’s what I felt.” He also added “The line (between a terrorist and a revolutionary) is very thin… For them (the British), he was possibly a criminal or a terrorist, but for us, he was revolutionary. So I left that judgment for people to make on their own.” 

The movie is about Sardar Udham who was responsible for assassinating the former Punjabi governor Michael O’Dwyer. Regarding the movie, Sircar had also said “All these factors and especially the talk about equality that this film actually proposes… We still are not equal and we are much more divided now. I’m not talking about just money or economics… I’m saying otherwise also, there are many things which are dividing… And now also, we can relate to it.

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