Home » Trending » Karnataka government issues guidelines for wedding, no booze, guests restricted to 50 people

Karnataka government issues guidelines for wedding, no booze, guests restricted to 50 people

The government has come up with a set of guidelines that need to be followed by the people of the state. The guidelines will be coming into effect from May 17th onwards after the third phase of lockdown ends officially. The home department of the Karnataka government has been drafting these guidelines that are applicable for weddings or any other event initiated with the rule of restricted attendance.

It has been made clear that not more than 50 people will be allowed to attend weddings or any other such private event or occasion and it is made compulsory for all the members present there to have the Aarogya Setu app downloaded on their devices. A list has to be maintained by the host of the event of all the members attending the event to make them go through the process of thermal scanning.

No alcohol of any nature will be served at these events to the people attending them post-May 17 and another thing that needs to be taken care of is the use of masks and hand sanitizers.

There is another provision by the government who can attend these events. Pregnant women, children and people over the age of 65 years of age cannot attend these events and the people living or coming from containment zones are also not allowed to attend the

The Ministry of home affairs stated a few guidelines on May 5 stating that not more than 50 people will be allowed to attend weddings and not more than 20 people will be allowed to attend the funeral ceremony of the people who passed away during the nationwide

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