Home » Entertainment » King Khan SRK shares ‘lockdown lessons’ with his fans on Instagram

King Khan SRK shares ‘lockdown lessons’ with his fans on Instagram

We are experiencing these quarantine nowadays. All over the world fighting against Covid 19. To curb the spread of coronavirus India is living under lockdown for around two months. In the lat night post on Friday, SRK took to Instagram to write about how we have a learner to live without things that we considered necessary in life earlier.


He also talked about the value of loves and emotions. This lockdown has made o all of us realise the importance of people’s relationships. Famous star SRK urges us to give more importance to love and emotions. They have the power to change anything in the world.

Here’s what he entirely said,” That we have lived far beyond our exigencies, most of which don’t need more people around us than the ones we feel like talking to while we are locked up. That we can stop the clock for a bit and reimagine our lives when the rush to acquire false securities is peeled away from us. That we can laugh with those we fought so hard… and know that our ideas weren’t actually any bigger than theirs. And above all, love is still worth it, no matter what anyone else tall you!”

It is a good opportunity for everyone to spend time with family. There is another gain is pollution is reduced. Lets we are creating a pollution-free India. Stay home #stay safe.

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