Amid the nationwide lockdown due to coronavirus pandemic, the celebrity couples have been quarantined together and have been flaunting their love on social media. Kriti Kharbanda fame of Shadi me zaroor aana has been reportedly dating Pulkit Samrat; the actors have been flaunting their love along with culinary skills on social media. Kriti took to Instagram to share a photo of a prawn curry prepared by her boyfriend she captioned the picture, “And then, death by amazing food happened! @pulkitamrat showing off his cooking skills.”
Earlier Kriti shared a post in which she’s seen enjoying an oil massage on the head by Pulkit; she jokingly says that getting an oil massage from Pulkit is her only motto in life. Meanwhile, Pulkit took to Instagram and posted of a photo of his black and white husky dog with himself which was captioned, “Ek Dooje Ke Liye (for each other)”
The actors confirmed their relationship in late November and stated “We are not hiding our relationship but I feel people should give us some space because it’s a family thing,” during the screening of Pagalpanti in Mumbai.
Rumours about their relationship were doing rounds before they confirmed, the actress said that she didn’t react to the rumours because she wanted her parents to know first, “We are dating each other… In all honesty, I wanted my parents to know first that I’m dating someone… But I’m in a very happy place and I have no qualms admitting that I am dating Pulkit Samrat.” She said. When asked about the marriage, Kriti says that both Pulkit and her are not ready for the next step and are taking things slowly, so there are no plans of marriage yet.
Pulkit Samrat was earlier married to Shweta Rohira, Salman khan’s rakhi sister. However, things didn’t go well and the marriage falls apart in less than a year. Previously, Pulkit was linked to Yami Gautam who co-starred with him in Sanam Re. On the work front, Kriti and Pulkit were together seen in Anees Bazmee’s comedy caper “Pagalpanti. Kriti will next be seen in “Taish”. Pulkit will next be seen in “Haathi Mere Saathi and “Taish”.