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Kriti Sanon recites a tragic poem on domestic violence

Kriti Sanon has shared a powerful poem titled Abused on domestic violence, which she wrote during her school days Kriti Sanon is a budding poet. She shares her thoughts as a poem, when she gets a time. However the actors are not new to writing and now she has shared a tragic poem on the subject of domestic violence. She was written on class 11, titled Abused, begins with the victim describing an incident of domestic violence in extreme detail.

It begins with the ” As the sum sets spreading blood all over the sky, my heart starts sinking once again, sweat goes down my neck strikes. Feet study at the door, he’s gonna be late. Wait I can hear with come, the sound is not a stranger. I can hear the doorknob I can smell the danger. The odour tells me he’s drunk again, full of frustration, ready to deliver some pain”.she recites,” He throws me down like an insane, another mark. He has left on my body” And goes on to add ” my sobbing acts like music and lulls him to sleep”. Kriti said she would like to change the poem’s original ending with” I cannot control my life”. A victim always makes an effort to tackle such situation, she added she wrote ” stand up for yourself and report….. Because it’s not OKAY! It breaks my heart to read that the domestic violence cases have almost doubled up during the lockdown period! About 700 cases alone in Punjab! And these are just the once! And these are just the once Registered! Imagine how many are not reported! She ended the poem by saying,” only you can control your life….


So stand up for yourself! It’s not okay for anyone to physically hurt you…… No matter what the reason is! It’s not okay! ” Earlier, Kriti had shared a video, was she reciting one of her poem.kriti started the process video by addressing how the self-isolation time has giVen everyone an opportunity to do things they always wanted. she says, ” well, I feel that these quarantined time has given all of us a lot of time to do all the things we didn’t have the time for”. Recently Alia Bhatt also shared a self- written poem on the occasion of Earth day.

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