The Madras High Court has asked the state government to close all the standalone liquor shops due to large gatherings and violation of social distancing norms and other measures against coronavirus.
People were found queuing up in a zigzag pattern for over a kilometre for purchasing alcohol in many areas of the state. On Thursday, the state made a profit of ₹170 crores through the gargantuan sell of liquor.
The social media started bumbling as soon as the photos and videos went viral showing customers carrying more than the allotted number of liquor bottles. There was no verification of Aadhar cards that were to be considered an important factor while selling alcohol.
The Madras High Court had previously promulgated a list of norms that need to comply with at the counters and had also ordered to maintain a distance of six- feet between the buyers. It had also restricted the amount of liquor that one can buy. The court forewarned that failure to conform to these rules and regulations will lead to the shutting down of the shops. They have finally resolved for only online selling of liquor till May 17.
The state has observed huge protests against the opening of Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation (TASMAC) shops. Kamal Hassan’s Makkal Needhi Mariam (MNM) had lambasted the Palaniswami government for letting these shops resume amidst the everyday upsurging of coronavirus cases in the state. They complained that this would lead to further transmission of the virus. They also drew attention to the infringement of social distancing guidelines by the crowds at the TASMAC stores.
After the HC passed the order, Kamaal Hassan tweeted, “This is not a victory for MNM alone. The whole of Tamil Nadu ought to celebrate, saying our thoughts have won. This is a victory of the voice of Tamil mothers”.
Health Minister of Tamil Nadu reported that the state has 6009 confirmed cases of COVID-19 till now with the death count tolling at 40.