Actress Deepika Padukone shared a throwback video in Instagram on Saturday from the arrangements of Piku, recalling the late Irrfan Khan. In the video, Deepika Padukone and her Piku co-star Irrfan Khan can be seen playing badminton together. In the bit of a light second from the sets, Deepika and Irrfan can be seen fascinated in the sport of badminton while other group individuals watch their game. Deepika, who had played badminton in national level titles, can be seen getting a charge out of the game with Irrfan Khan as she grins with her entire existence. Sharing the scrap, Deepika composed an inspiring subtitle for her co-star who passed on April 29, 2020. She stated, “Please come back, Irrfan Khan” and added a messed-up heart emoji to her post.
On Friday, their film Piku finished 5 years. On this event, she had posted a warm picture, a behind the scene one, where Irrfan, director Shoojit and she shares a glad second. She wrote in Hindi, citing the verses of the melody Lamhe Guzar Gaye. It goes, “Lamhe guzar gaye, chehre Badal gaye.” She finished the note with “Rest in Peace my Dear Friend… #piku #rana #bhaskor.”
Piku remains the main film where Deepika and Irrfan shared the screen together. The movie is a connection between father and daughter and here, Deepika performed the role of Piku while Amitabh Bachchan performed the role of her father Bhaskor Banerjee. Irrfan Khan played the role of Rana who drove Piku and her father to their home in Kolkata, right from Delhi. This beautiful film won numerous honours and awards in 2015.