Home » Trending » Maharashtra Govt says No to resuming domestic flight operations, will continue lockdown till May 31

Maharashtra Govt says No to resuming domestic flight operations, will continue lockdown till May 31

As Maharashtra remains the most hit place in terms of the deadly virus in India, the state government is bringing about no changes in the guidelines for the lockdown for air travel. There will be no services of air travel in Maharashtra till May 31.

The government complained about how the Central government took the decision to resume domestic flights on its own and didn’t consult with the states. It said that the state needs time to decide on the Standard Operating Protocols (SOP) over air travel, adding that “outside airport, everything becomes state government’s responsibility”. Now the state has decided to wait for the orders of the Centre regarding the air travel but till then the domestic flights remain closed for Maharashtra.

“States were consulted before the decision was finalised. There can be no change as bookings have commenced and passengers are all geared up to fly from Monday,” sources of civil aviation said.

To this, the Maharashtra Government stated the restrictions on the movement of people were to be set in Mumbai, Pune etc. as they are the red zones. They also pointed out aren’t clear about the status of the requirement of staff, their availability, health conditions, and their fitness checkups on Mumbai International Airport Ltd. No status on the staff working condition as well.

They also pointed out how public on the roads without the taxis would be a dangerous move, apart from the heavy number on the airport for daily travelling. They requested the Centre to grant minimum possible, only the to emergency travelling. Only for international transfer passengers, medical emergencies, students, and other necessary grounds.

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