Home » Trending » Maharastra’s health minister says lockdown in Mumbai and Pune may get extended till May 18

Maharastra’s health minister says lockdown in Mumbai and Pune may get extended till May 18

It is being said that the nationwide lockdown might be lifted on the 4th of may but
Mumbai and Pune are likely to extend it further to the 18th of May said the health
minister Rajesh tope on Saturday. it has been done as the COVID 19 cases continue
to rise in the two stated cities.

The main objective of the COVID 19 pandemic was to stop the pandemic from
infecting more people and if the measure does not help in reducing the cases. This
was said by the health minister on the phone.

It has been seen that the slums are the most affected ones in the pandemic. he
further said that we have to make sure that all the contaminated zones are
completely cordoned off. There was a statement of the required need of lockdown it
will be extended for the next 15 days in the contaminated zones, not for the entire
Mumbai and Pune.

A total of 512 zones in the state are present that are said to be affected by the
pandemic, Pune sealed the markets in central old Pune and Khondwa since 7th
April. This primarily means that the lockdown will be extended in the contaminated
zones of Mumbai and Pune which have seen the highest number of cases since the
past month. Till the 24th of April, Maharashtra has reported 394 new cases which
took the state’s number to 6817 as said by the Maharashtra Health department. Out
of the 6 thousand cases in the state, Mumbai had 4447 cases alone and the rest
from Pune.
In Asia’s largest slum area Dharavi there was a total of 200 cases out of which 14
cases died.

“We have asked the government to enforce complete lockdown with restrictions on
schools, colleges, and gatherings across Maharashtra till May 18. For Mumbai and
Pune, all the nonessential services will not be allowed to operate in the hotspots for
at least another round of 15 days “said tope.

As per the guidance of the Union Government, cluster containment action plans
have been implemented where the patients are being found in clusters.
Till the time being a number of 1,19,161 people are in-home quarantine while 8,814
are in the institutional quarantine. the death toll has gone up to 301 in the state.
After a month of lockdown, the neighborhood shops are allowed to open for people
by the center and are asked to follow proper guidelines that are being provided.

It was said by the Union Ministry of Home affair that all shops including the
neighborhood and standalone ones and in the residential complexes, within the limits
of municipal corporation and municipalities that are registered under the shop snd
establishments act of the respective state are allowed to open during the lockdown.
On April 21 a full lockdown was initialed in Mumbai Metropolitan Region and Pune
metropolitan region after the relaxation of some curbs. Some development came
when the government lifted the lockdown for a while from 20 April.

Among the green and orange regions only a few essential services are being
allowed to work that could help to let the economy stand back on its legs and provide
resources to feed the rest of the nation.

“While we have allowed the factories and agriculture-based businesses to start
reviving from 20 April, and are closely monitoring the following of social distancing”
said Tope.

The lockdown will have to be carefully lifted with a proper segregation of hotspots
and non-contaminated zones. The essential services will have to continue with the least amount of manpower possible to reduce the transmission and the social
distancing norms will have to be involved in the places where the nin essential
services started.
After 3rd may the government can lift the lockdown partially and only in green and
orange zones while for Mumbai and Pune the lockdown must continue.

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