Home » Trending » TCS says 75% of its employees will work from home even after coronavirus outbreak

TCS says 75% of its employees will work from home even after coronavirus outbreak

Companies are trying hard to cope with the shutting of work and finance due to the pandemic yet some has discovered the capability of individual work from home. Some are at a constant loss while some overcame their incapacity they faced even when everything was functioning on a regular basis, due to work from home job.

Yet the company, TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) have gone viral with the statement of asking 75% of its 4.48 lakh employees globally (including 3.5 lakh in India) to work from home by 2025, even when the adverse effects of COVID-19 has stopped. They realised how the employees of the company are able to work better, with better results in an isolated working environment than it had given them before the quarantine.

“We don’t believe that we need more than 25% of our workforce at our facilities in order to be 100% productive,” TCS’s chief operating officer NG Subramaniam told Business Today. “We don’t believe that we need more than 25% of our workforce at our facilities in order to be 100% productive,” he told.

This decision was undertaken after TCS moved 90% of its employees post-lockdown to an operating model it calls Secure Borderless Work Spaces (SBWS). In a letter to employees TCS CEO and MD Rajesh Gopinathan wrote SBWS had seen 35,000 meetings, 406000 calls, and 340 lakh messages across TCS on the digital collaboration platform. “We have come out stronger and our model is more proven than ever before,” both of them said.

The verdict has surely inspired the other IT companies who have no other option but to follow the course as lockdown perks cannot be ignored how beneficial they have turned out to be. Several surveys conducted over the last month have also indicated that CFOs believe a fifth of staff will move to working from home in a post-COVID world.
According to Ashutosh Limaye, Senior Director at Anarock Consulting, 25 per cent less employees in office may would result in 15 per cent reduction in need for office space.

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