Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani’s latest upcoming film “Laxmmi Bomb” has been in the limelight since the day it was announced. From one controversy to another, the film cannot seem to steer away from them.
The most recent trouble being the demand to change the film’s title. This demand is made by the “Shri Rajput Karni Sena”. The makers of the film have received a legal notice for the same.
According to a report, the Karni Sena found the film’s title to be offensive and derogatory to the Hindu Goddess Laxmi. The outfit also claimed that the title is disrespectful and was used deliberately to lower the dignity of the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi. The legal notice was sent by Advocate Raghavendra Mehrotra on behalf of the Sena.
The comedy-horror film is all set to release on OTT platform – Disney plus Hotstar on November 9. It is the remake of the hit Tamil movie “Muni 2: Kanchana”. The film is directed by Raghav Lawrence who also starred in the original hit.
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