Chief Minister of Punjab said that the former Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh has accepted his request for guiding a group of experts to come out with a post-covid-19 revival strategy.
He tweeted “I had written to Dr Manmohan Singh Ji to guide us along with the group of experts of headed by Montek Singh Ahluwalia & I am grateful to him for accepting. We have been working hard to steer Punjab to the path of economic growth & post-Covid-19 we will again focus on the same.”
Here’s the tweet by Chief Minister of Punjab
The State government had constituted the group of experts on April 25, it has been headed by noted economist and former deputy chairman of Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahluwalia to revive the state’s economy.
The group which includes economic and industry experts shall recommend to the Punjab government a short-term and medium-term action plan, also including fiscal management strategy along with other policy measures.
A group of 20 members has been mandated to submit its initial set of recommendation by July 31 followed by two more reports by Sep 30 and Dec 31 this year.