Home » Technology » Mukesh Ambani surpasses Jack Ma and becomes the richest man in Asia after the Facebook- Jio deal

Mukesh Ambani surpasses Jack Ma and becomes the richest man in Asia after the Facebook- Jio deal

Ambani said in a video posted on Jio’s Facebook page that’ “ at the core of this
partnership Mark Zukerberg, the owner of Facebook and I have taken the
responsibility of the complete digital transformation of India. He added that the
Facebook brands have now become household products in India. Whatsapp has
now entered in the daily vocabulary of the people in all the 23 official languages in

This partnership will be allowing Zukerberg to step up his partnership game in India
and its expansion in a country where the people are getting more inclined to online
payments and E-Commerce as more people get smartphones.

The Jio Infocomm immediately moved to a position by offering free plans and
undercutting wireless market rivals . with the half-million internet users the south
Asian country is a key market for technology companies such as amazon, apple, and
Microsoft and Alphabet Inc’s Google. In India, there are 25 million users of Facebook
whereas 400 million for WhatsApp. This should act as an aid to Jio to bolster its
reach according to James Crabtree who is the author of the book “The Billionaires
Raj” which is book on the country’s wealthiest people. the transaction also shows the
extent of Ambani’s own influence.

He said that:” this deal is the best example to show the world that if you want to play
big in Indian tech you have play nice with Mukesh Ambani”

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