Home » Trending » ‘We won’t be patenting any vaccine we produce’ says Adar Poonawalla whose institute has partnered with Oxford to develop Covid 19 vaccine

‘We won’t be patenting any vaccine we produce’ says Adar Poonawalla whose institute has partnered with Oxford to develop Covid 19 vaccine

Adar Poonawalla, chief executive officer of serum institute of India, which is helping produce a covid 19 vaccine developed by Oxford, said this is not the right time to make money and think about own benefit during the coronavirus pandemic. Adar Poonawalla said that ‘the need of hour is to make Covid 19 vaccine as fast as possible. We won’t be patenting any vaccine we produce’.

A large team of scientist at the university of oxford are working to produce the vaccine of covid 19. Adar Poonawalla’s serum institute has also partnered with university of oxford vaccine project along with other seven global institute behind the manufacture of the covid 19 vaccine.

Adar Poonawalla also joined by professor of oxford Dr. Adrian Hill, who is leading this team of manufacture of vaccine said that in the interview that university of oxford is starting its clinical trials for covid 19 from Thursday onwards.

Dr. Adrian Hill said that they are several vaccine which are at clinical trial based currently. ‘We are starting tomorrow.. have to test its safety, to see whether it produces immune response and what protection the vaccine offers’ said by Dr. Adrian Hill.
He explained, ‘One is that this is a single dose vaccine. It is much more suitable for a pandemic situation. The technology of this vaccine has been used before so we hopeful this will be safe as well. The scale up process to produce large number is achievable. Our Indian partner, Serum Institute, will help us achieve this.’

He also explained ‘There might just not be enough people to test on to check the vaccine’s efficacy. We need to be lucky in the clinical trials we choose that we get enough people without covid 19 in the control group to show conclusively that the vaccine is working well.’

Along with that, Adar Poonawalla said that he and his team is working closely with Dr. Adrian Hill for the manufacture and testing for the covid 19 vaccine.
‘In around two weeks, we can produce five million doses a month and scale that up to 10 million after six months,’ Adar Poonawalla said.

Adar Poonawalla was also asked that how confident is he that the covid 19 vaccine will worked and clean the virus from the immune system of a person, compared to other vaccines which are making, he said that he can’t say anything about others but all he can say is that the scientist and team who are working right now for producing covid 19 vaccine are best right now in the world. He has a lot of faith if anyone succeed in this mission. He is sure that Dr. Adrian Hill and his team will succeed in this mission.

Dr. Adrian Hill explained “We are aiming hundreds of million of doses with our partners by Q4 this year. But a word of caution, a lot of things have to go right for that on the clinical trials and scale up process.’
Meanwhile, this deadly disease coronavirus is spreading throughout the world. The most affected country right now is United States. It has total 849,092 cases, of which 47,681 are death. Second most affected country after United States is Spain. It has total 208,389 cases, of which 21,717 are death.

India’s corona cases has now crossed 20, 000. It has total 21,403 cases, of which 4,257 are recovered and 681 are death. Maharashtra’s cases has not 5,221 and it’s the most affected state currently in India.

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