Home » Trending » Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan tests negative for COVID-19

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan tests negative for COVID-19

“I am happy to report that his test is negative,” Information Minister Firdous Ashiq Awan said in a Twitter post.

It was expected that the PM would go into self-quarantine after he came in contact with a positive patient. The PM has undergone a test on Wednesday and the result was negative. 
He was tested by doctors from the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital. They collected samples from him and he tested negative.

The PM met the chairman of Edhi foundation, the world’s largest volunteer ambulance network, Faisal Edhi. Faisal Edhi is the son of Pakistan’s noted philanthropist, Abdul Sattar Edhi. 

Faisal met the premier last Wednesday to contribute to the Government’s Coronavirus relief fund. He donated 10 million Pakistani rupees in Islamabad. 
After meeting the PM on April 15, Faisal developed symptoms of flu. And then he was tested positive the next day. 

But the PM tested negative. Faisal is presently in self-isolation and his health is stable.
Pakistan crossed the 10,000 mark on Wednesday with 327 new cases. The total number of cases now in Pakistan is 10,076 according to the Health Ministry. 
Most of the new cases were in the southern Sindh and northeastern Punjab provinces.

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