These days Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal remains in a lot of discussion among fans about his films and personal life. Vicky Kaushal was born on 16 May 1988. Where he is the son of Bollywood’s famous stunt director Sham Kaushal. Vicky Kaushal has completed his studies at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai. Vicky Kaushal had to make a career in films from the beginning, due to which he worked as an assistant director in Anurag Kashyap’s film Gangs of Wasseypur. After which he saw him for the first time in the film Masaan. Vicky Kaushal was seen in a great style to use in this film. After the film became a hit, he never looked back, today we are going to talk about the actor’s net worth.
According to, the actor’s net worth is $3 million. In India, this amount is around 22 crores. Let us tell you, Vicky Kaushal earns Rs 3 crore every year. Vicky Kaushal charges 3 to 4 crore rupees for every film these days. In the year 2018, the actor was seen in Ranbir Kapoor’s film ‘Sanju‘. At the same time, his film ‘Raazi‘ released in 2018 had a big bang at the Bollywood box office. We saw Alia Bhatt with him in this film. The film career of the actor is going very strong these days. Because of which the audience is eager to see him in his upcoming films.
The actor owns a Mercedes Benz GLC SUV car. Vicky lives in the famous building Oberoi Springs in the Andheri area of Mumbai. Here he lives with his entire family. Vicky Kaushal has also received the National Award for his film Uri: The Surgical Strike (2019). In the coming days, we are going to see Vicky Kaushal in many big films. Because of which he remains in the discussion among the audience.
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