Shraddha Kapoor is currently busy shooting for her upcoming film starring Ranbir Kapoor. Recently, the actress was snapped outside a restaurant in Mumbai. Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor was recently criticized massively by netizens for ignoring a poor, old man during one of her paparazzi reactions. Shraddha stepped out for lunch with a bunch of friends in Juhu.
She was papped by the shutterbug’s post her lunch date. Photos of the actress went viral on social media. The photos didn’t go well with the netizens as she got trolled on social media. When the actress stepped out of the restaurant after her lunch. She was bidding goodbye to her friends. During the same time, she was approached by an old man, asking for alms.
In the photos, we can see that an old man stood behind the actress, with open palms, hoping for aid. However, the actress left in her car. A user wrote, ”Itna bada logon hai eak garib ki madad nahi kar sakta ‘‘. While another one commented, ”They don’t give anything to the old man so bad they are”. While others supported the actress. A user who came out in support of Shraddha wrote, ”Maybe she doesn’t have the cash I think she is paying through online”. Meanwhile, on the work front, Shraddha will star with Ranbir in Luv Ranjan’s next. She is also playing a double role in ‘Chaalbaaz in London’. As per reports, the film will also see her father Shakti Kapoor in a guest appearance.
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