Home » Trending » On National Panchayat Raj Day, PM Modi held a video conference meet with Sarpanchs of various panchayats. Check here for the highlights of the meeting

On National Panchayat Raj Day, PM Modi held a video conference meet with Sarpanchs of various panchayats. Check here for the highlights of the meeting

April 24 is marked as National Panchayat Raj Day. On this occasion PM Narendra Modi communicated with Sarpanchs of various panchayats across the nation through video conferencing. Modi launched unified e-GramSwaraj portal and a mobile app on this day as a new initiative which aimed at providing Gram Panchayats with a single interface to prepare and implement gram panchayat development plan (GPDP).

In the video conferencing the Prime Minister launched two projects- e-GramSwaraj and Swamitva Yojana. E-GramSwaraj is a website and mobile app which helps simplify account applications and will serve as a platform for panchayat’s day to day activities. The app will also ensure transparency in Gram Panchayat’s day to day working, record keeping and will be accessible to every villager. Swamitva Yojana launched by the central government will map the household areas via drone technology. The documents of right will be given to the owners post mapping.

The scheme is on trial phase in states like Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh. eGramSamaj portal and app has been introduced by the Ministry of Panchayat Raj. The initiative will help in decentralised planning, work-based accounting and progress reporting. The various aspects of the initiative include Finances and Accounting, Geo-tagging of assets, Progress reporting, Gram Panchayat profiling, Action plan creation, and Activity output. The eSwaraj app is available for both android and IOS, however, the app is currently available on playstore only.

The Prime Minister also mentioned that the broadband internet connection has reached 1.25 lakh panchayats and also, the number of common service centres in villages has crossed three lakh. India is becoming advanced, we are facing the obstacles, resolving the problems and moving forward with new energy, the PM added.

PM Modi said that this coronavirus pandemic has taught us self reliance and has made us all self dependent. The virus can be defeated with collective efforts and solidarity and determination of 125 crore Indians. He also emphasised on sanity campaigns in villages to stop the spread of coronavirus and urged Gram Panchayats to make quarantines centres for those who are coming from cities and fulfil their needs. He mentioned that Indian villagers have become a matter of research for the scientists because of their common phrase ‘Do Gaj Doori’ in the era of these lofty terms like social distancing and quarantine. The world is discussing how India is dealing with COVID-19.

On protection with COVID-19 PM Modi said, “We have to keep in mind that physical distance, covering the mouth with face cover or mask and frequent cleaning of our hands is extremely important. In the coming days, these measures will protect us from this disease.”

PM Modi said that efforts have been made that people in rural areas get best medical facilities. Ayushman Bhagat Yojana has proven to be a big relief for the villagers, nearly one crore patients have been cured and given free treatment under this scheme. Regarding the fake news about COVID-19, the PM said that people need to avoid this news and be alert while posting something on social media platforms. News like what to eat and what not to eat should be avoided during such times.

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