Bollywood actress Preity Zinta who is away from the films for quite a while is now going to give her fans new year surprise. Yes, Zinta who entertains the audience for a long time as an actress will now turn producer with a web series for Disney+Hotstar. The series will be directed by Sandeep Modi. and the main suspense is that Preity’s web series will star her long-time buddy Hrithik Roshan.
Earlier the two of them were seen in the film Koi Mil Gaya. But now they will appear as an Actor and Director Duo together in Web Series. The Web Series is titled as The Night Manager which is the Indian Version of the Celebrated John Le Carre Novel. The Night Manager Will Be Hrithik’s Digital Debut As Well As Preity’s First OTT Production. Filming Is Set to Begin in March 2021.
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