Deepika Padukone popped on the viral buss it challenged on social media with a fun twist. Her husband Ranveer Singh also joined her in twerk off. Deepika took to Instagram to share a video that will make you fall in love with DeepVeer all over again. In the video, they were seen twerking while doing hookup steps.
Padmavaat actor looked very stylish in a peach floral printed co-ord set with a matching cap. While Ranveer looked his fashionable best in a white T-Shirt and red printed jacket and pants with a matching cap rounding it. Sharing a video she wrote Werk it, baby! @ranveersingh #bussitchallenge.
Fans showered love on Ranveer and Deepika in the comments section. The Buss It challenge, named after rapper Erica Banks’ song, usually starts with people grooving in casual outfits.
Deepika has been sharing blog Style videos on Instagram after purging her account or new year earlier post includes fun dance videos bake-off with a childhood friend and a video about her favourite TV show as a child. Meanwhile, on the work front, Ranveer and Deepika will be seen together in Kabir Khan’s 83 which is releasing in June this year.
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