Ranveer Singh has been a fashion icon for a very long time. He has been setting fashion goals for all those who do wish to be quirky yet classy. Though quite a few times, Ranveer’s dressing style has paved the way to several memes, the actor is unaffected by all of it. Once again, the Padmaavat actor put his quirky dressing style on display as he stepped out in the city to dub for his upcoming project. Ranveer Singh was clicked by the shutterbugs as he exited the dubbing studio.
In the pictures that have made their way to the internet, we see Ranveer Singh being the enthu-cutlet that he always is. As soon as he spotted the shutterbugs, he pulled off a peace signal. He was dressed in an aqua blue hoodie with matching track pants. He had his hood on and hence, being covered from head-to-toe. He teamed his outfit along with super cool pair of sunglasses in white and black. Keeping the Coronavirus situation in mind, Ranveer also had his mask on. He set some serious fashion goals by sporting a mask that had a huge cross on it. How can someone be this cool always?
Actor Ranveer Singh, who recently completed ten years in the industry has been winning over audience since day one. Be it his versatile on-screen performances or unique sense of fashion, Ranveer has always managed to impress the audience.
Taking to Instagram stories, Ranveer recently shared a stunning carfie in which he can be seen sporting a neon yellow face-mask which he has teamed up with funky sunglasses, the actor paired his look with cool sunglasses and white shoes.
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