Former Bigg Boss contestants Devoleena Bhattacharjee, who often comments on the latest happenings on the controversial reality show, came out in support of Vikas. She slammed other contestants of the house and said that there was zero humanity left in the contestants. She wrote, “Now this is really really sad…This lot has no humanity left…Except #Rakhi there is zero entertainment. Bas Chillana, Bullying, Jhagadna, Mazak banana yahi hai..Every week #SalmanSir se padhti hai phir bhi ghode Jaise brains mein baat samajh hi nahi aati.. #BB14 @BiggBoss.”
Vikas was previously evicted from the BB house after he had pushed Arshi Khan in the swimming pool during an altercation between them. However, he was brought back later. Now a new promo has been released where Vikas was seen crying and telling how much pain he is in.
Aly Goni and other contestants in the house were also shocked when Bigg Boss asked the contestants to gather all Vikas‘ belongings and keep them in the storeroom. Arshi was also seen crying and saying, “Mujhe nahi pata tha uski itni tabiyat kharab hai.” Vikas’ team shared the promo on social media, and mentioned in the caption, “Bullying him, Homophobia, calling him chakka, False accusations, ridiculing his hard work of years & now laughing on his pain. It’s shameful – All this lead to him being hospitalised & out of the show. #GetWellSoonVikas #VikasGupta #BiggBoss14 You played with dignity – Proud of U.”
Also Read | BIGG BOSS 14- Arshi Khan and housemates cries uncontrollably post Vikas Gupta’s exit…