A few months back, Dhananjaya has revealed in his post on Instagram by writing a welcome message for the actress Reba Monica John. This news has become the talk of the town that Reba will be starring with Dhananjaya in his upcoming movie Rathnan Prapancha.
The movie is a Kannada film, directed by Rohith Padaki and production of KRG Studio. The movie has been shot with minim crew and under the favouring guidelines with respect to the covid situation in the world. The movie is expected to be released on 9th November 2020.
This movie is another feather in the cap for Reba. Reba is a model and a very talented Malayalam actress. She started her career in 2016 in Malayalam film industry with her debut movie ‘Jacobinte Swargarajyam’. This movie was a huge success in the box office. Before her debut movie, she has won the reality series ‘Miduki‘ as the second runner up in 2013. This year she made her first debut in Kannada film industry with her movie ‘Shakalakala Vallabha‘ as a leading actress. While Rathnan Prapancha will be her second movie in Kannada film industry.
All fans are utterly excited about this movie. As the movie is starring the very famous and taken star Dhananjaya along with the beautiful Malayalam film industry fame Reba Monica John. The makers describe the movie Rathnan Prapancha as a sweep comedy movie full of laughter and joy. Dhananjaya is playing the role of a common man.
Comedy movies are a peculiar character of South Indian film industries. They are well known for the comic movies they make and produce. And their comedy movies are outstanding and a treat to watch for all the viewers.
According to the sources, the movie is expected to be released on 9th Nov 2020. This movie will be another hit Rom-Com starring the best of Kannada film industry.
Also Read | Reba Monica John single or committed, find here