Sumeet Vyas and Ekta Kaul welcomed their baby boy today. The new daddy out of excitement shared the news on social media along with the name of the baby. He wrote, “It’s a boy. Shall be called VED. Mamma and Daddy are acting cliché … smothering the child every few minutes…”
The very sweet TV couples were expecting their first baby with a cute Instagram post in April. Ekta posted the pic on Instagram and wrote, “Proudly announcing our new project together. Introducing Jr Vyas Kaul (soon). Directed and Produced by US, Sumeet Vyas and I.”
On Tuesday an appreciation post was shared by Ekta for husband. The actress posted video collage of beautiful memories of both since their wedding along with the vacation albums and also she wrote a very sweet note. “Our world is about to change. But my life has changed because of you.
I am so thankful that we get to go on this ride together,” wrote Ekta and added an adorable message. “So before all the screaming and diaper changing begins, I just want to say, Papa, you are beautiful. Thank you!” she added.
The couples tied the knot in 2018 September in the presence of their close friends and families in Jammu.