Bollywood’s latest popular star. Tara Sutaria looks absolutely stunning in her lilac coloured lehenga. With her hair down and matching accessories, she kills the look. The young actress made her debut in Bollywood through the movie ‘Student Of The Year 2’ and started ruling all our hearts.
The picture she shared in Instagram in her beautiful lehenga with her carefree look is just adorable and just the thing needed to raise our spirits. Her lehenga is its unique colour is definitely going to be a trendsetter. The way she carries herself with the elegant lehenga makes her look more graceful than ever.
She had also given a caption ‘Laughing at my own jokes since 95’ for her candid picture. The way her whole face lits up when she smiles is just enough to make us all go crazy. The lehenga fits her perfectly showing off her perfect curves. There is only one word for her new look just amazing. The candid shot is just truly cute and awesome.