Home » Entertainment » To ease the strain on networks Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon to provide only SD content to the viewers

To ease the strain on networks Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon to provide only SD content to the viewers

Netflix, Amazon prime ,hot star have become a huge part of our lives. So have you all got the recent update regarding their current policy of streaming ,if not then check the article given below!

The covid-19 pandemic has had its impacts all around the globe . Including health and economical crisis. It has also led to the issue of technicalities of usage data or the internet around the globe.


Since the COVID-19 breakdown ,people have been ordered to opt the policy of work from home. Therefore all the work of offices , be it data management or having a conference via video is being done at home and therefore all the office work is been done at home.

The stress on data

Since the office work is done at home on the base of wifi and people are using wifi for surfing the internet and watching the web series show as well, a lot of stress is being put on the bandwidth of the data. The officials are saying that it surely won’t effect much to the quality of the data but people are still scared for if the internet may collapse in this while.


To Ease the load on data the owners of Netflix, hot star and amazon prime have decided to stream their shows in standard definition (SD) rather than streaming it in high definition (HD).

A video conference/virtual meeting was held that included the chair person of Netflix ambika khurrana,chair person of hot star varun narang and Gaurav gandhi the chair person of amazon prime and many others in the meeting decided the best for their clients. The have released a statement that said that the digital industry is acting effectively and efficiently to cope with the situation . Therefore companies are defaulting the high definition (HD)option for video streaming and will be going for standard definition (SD)of video streaming till 14th of April !

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