Home » Trending » Trump shifted to White House Bunker as protest’s unrest intensify outside White House

Trump shifted to White House Bunker as protest’s unrest intensify outside White House

A protestor is so mad right now by the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota last week. The Protestors broke local curfews to voice their

US President Donald Trump was rushed to White House bunker after hundreds of protestors gathered around the White House, some of
they had stones with them.

White House spokesman Judd Deere said that “The White House does not comment on security protocols and decisions.”

It is not confirmed that first lady Melania Trump and their 14-year-old son Barron moved with Trump or not.

Trump, said that he worries about his safety first. The President and his family is worried and shaken by the terrific condition.

On Monday, protesters started fires near the White House using road signs and plastic barriers. Few of them threw the American flag as well.

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