Home » Trending » UK Minister has warned its citizens to not expect any big changes to coronavirus lockdown

UK Minister has warned its citizens to not expect any big changes to coronavirus lockdown

UK minister has warned its citizens to not expect big changes. The death toll in the UK has exceeded 31,000 and has lost more people than any other European country. The country’s lockdown had been imposed since late March. England’s plans for the country is to be announced on Sunday evening. According to George Eustice, the environment Secretary “we will be very, very cautious as well loosen the restrictions we have, as the data that we are outlining on a daily basis shows we are not out of the woods”, also adding that “we have to be realistic that there isn’t going to be any dramatic overnight change”. Gardens centres in the UK will be reopened only if they prove people can be kept a safe distance apart. The measures and the responsibilities against coronavirus in the United Kingdom involve four different nations Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland.

In Wales modest changes were announced concerning its lockdown which is to take effect from Monday. In Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, the first prime minister announced that the only allowed change was the outdoor exercises, while in Northern Ireland the lockdown restrictions will remain as it is for the next three weeks. One of the new policies is that all businesses will provide face masks for their employees. Reports confirm that Mr. Boris Johnson is in favor of a wide approach in the UK, that means that even if different parts of the UK move at different speeds based on the progress of each nation. The remaining three parts of England have the power to make their decision concerning the lockdown.

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