Vishwanathan Anand a former world champion will lead the Indian challenge in the online Nations Cup, a team. Competition to be held from May 5 to 10. He is set to lead the strongest and possible Indian team when the six team online national cup takes place from May. Each amtch will comprise four boards including one reserved for ladies. This matches will follow the rapid format 25 minutes on the clock plus 10 second increment for every move.
After the league match the final match will be held on May 10. Since it is an online, cash rich event, FIDE appointed International arbiters will keep the eyes on the players to ensure the eyes on the players to ensure they don’t get. Any help from the outside source. Players webgame, computer screen and their place are under constant supervision.
In a statement, the FIDE president Arkady Dvorkovich said,” The reasons why an official tournament like this has to be conducted online are very unfortunate, but happy to see that chess providing solace to millions of people who are under a home lockdown.” Vishwanathan Anand, vidith Gujarathi and B. Aadhiban are in the Indian team. Final list of participants , from all the teams, will be released shortly. It is important to have a girl in a team, so K. Humpy and D. Harika will complete the squad.
World champion Magnus Charlsen, too will not be part of this event. Initially ‘Viadmir Kramic’ was named to be captain of the Indian team. But the Russian clarified his position and declined to accept the role. FIDE said the move represents the initiative by it shift it’s activities to the online area.
A number of Marquee players from Russia, India, USA, china, Europe will battle it out in the competition FIDE president, belives chess may bring solace to people under the incumbent crisis. The reasons why an official tournament like this to be conducted online are very unfortunate, but we are happy to see the event .