Home » Trending » WHO’s Director Tedros Adhanom Warned The World About Covid-19 That ‘Worst Is Yet To Come’

WHO’s Director Tedros Adhanom Warned The World About Covid-19 That ‘Worst Is Yet To Come’

The director of the World health organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Monday warned that “the worst is yet ahead of us”. The outbreak has killed more than 166,000 people and infected about 2.5 million people according to Johns Hopkins university. Many countries have begun to ease their restrictions and the WHO has warned them to remain vigilant. His speech was given from the WHO headquarters in Geneva. He also said “let’s prevent this tragedy. It’s an epidemic that a lot of people still don’t understand”. The director warned about the spread of the virus in Africa in the future, he warned countries that “easing restrictions is not the end of the epidemic in any country”.

Last week the WHO was accused but the president of the US of spreading misinformation and being ‘China centric’, in the director’s speech on Monday he pointed out that political issues during the pandemic is like playing with fire. He added that “it’s the political problem which will fuel further the pandemic”. Although Tedros didn’t say why he believed the pandemic could get worse he made reference to the Spanish flu that took many lives in 1918. He advised “let’s stop additional surprises” by saying countries should continue to test, isolate and trace everything case.

Concerning the deaths arising from the covid-19 pandemic, Tedros said that everyone’s life is important “please let’s consider those who are dying as individuals, they are not numbers or figures”. Countries like Norway and Germany had already started to ease restrictions while the US is even considering opening up its economy. Recently the US said that it will stop funding the WHO for about 60-90 days after accusations of misusing the funds.

In a response to this the director of WHO said “keeping secrets is dangerous and a threat to public health”, also saying that the WHO has been honest from day one.
The director also advised that the world should live in national unity. Surveys show that a small population of the world has been affected so everyone has to do what they can to curb the virus.

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