Just a day before the lockdown had been announced throughout the Nation by the Indian Government, the famous Bollywood artist Salman Khan had taken his family and some of his close friend from the industry to his Pavel farmhouse. As per report, Salman Khan is self-quarantined at his Panvel farmhouse with his mom Salma Khan, bother-in-law Aayush Sharma, sister Arpita Khan Sharma, close friends, Jacqueline Fernandez, Waluscha De Sousa, and lady love Lulia Vantur.
While at his farmhouse, Salman Khan gave an interview to Bombay Times and spoke about his life at the Panvel farmhouse. Since the lockdown was announced, there isn’t a day that his mind has stopped working. Salman said that he knows exactly what he wants to do when he gets out after the lockdown.
Salman Khan also said that-
“I am still working, my mind is functioning and as soon as this lockdown is over, i do know exactly what i would like to try to to and the way . Right now, this place feels like the Big Boss house. It’s beautiful here with everyone around because nobody is being eliminated, and so, nobody goes after anyone. I am also making time to color , and that i am doing quite little bit of it. I might put it out at some point.”
Not only that, being a responsible citizen, he constantly awaring his fans and followers about COVID-19 and also he is repeatedly asking everyone to stay home, stay safe and to take preventive measures to avoid it. He has also taking class of all who are violating the lockdown.
Yesterday, he has released his song ‘Pyaar Karona’ on his youtube channel “Being Salman Khan” which is trending 2 on youtube.