According to the director – Vivek Agnihotri, Akshay Kumar had compulsively praised his film “The Kashmir files”. A video of Vivek is going viral on social media. In which he is seen talking to R.J Ronak in a special show on a news website. Coming to the conversation, when the discussion started that his film “The Kashmir files” was in Bollywood. Then Vivek went on having some doubts about the viral video on the chat show “Tera jawab nahi”.
It is seen in this that RJ Raunac is telling Vivek Agnihotri that many people in Bollywood are praising your film. Vivek is asking him to tell some names. Then Raunac says, “Akshay Kumar”. On this Vivek said that Akshay said this under compulsion when 100 people will stand in front of you and ask you the question that your film did not work, then what will you say. He was at a function in Bhopal, so he had to speak.
Let us tell you that last month, both Akshay Kumar and Vivek Agnihotri went to the opening of “The Chitra Bharti film festival” at “Makhan Lal Chaturvedi National University” of journalism and communication.
In the program, Akshay Kumar praised the film and said that Vivek Ji has brought a very painful truth about the country by making “The Kashmir files”. This film came as a wave that jerked us all. It is a different matter that my film ” Bachann Panday” was also submerged.
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