Home » Trending » World Health Organisation commends PM Modi’s LOCKDOWN 2.0, says India took ‘timely and tough decision’ on Coronavirus

World Health Organisation commends PM Modi’s LOCKDOWN 2.0, says India took ‘timely and tough decision’ on Coronavirus

PM Modi addressed the nation on Tuesday at 10 o’ clock in the morning where he announced that lockdown would continue until 3rd of May. Modi was in no mood to extend this lockdown but after the video conference with all the Chief Ministers he decided to continue the lockdown in all the states. It was seen that social distancing and the lockdown have helped India a lot to deal with this corona virus. He further said that red zones should be extra alert. He said that new hotspots will be challenged by their hard work. Despite the shrinking economy of the nation this was the best decision to extend the lockdown. Many other Ministers also supported him with their tweets. While some states had already announced the lockdown till 30th April, but they requested PM to do it on national level so as to ensure more safety.

“World Health Organisations commends India’s TIMELY AND TOUGH fight against covid-19” said the Regional Director of WHO, Dr Poonam Singh. She also added that India is in better position than many other advance nations, and also all other measures taken by India in detecting the positive cases and social distancing and also tracing the contacts of the positive cases will help India to defeat this virus.

The Executive Director of WHO, J Ryan said, the contribution of citizens if India is commendable too, only their fair share of contribution will help the government to take proper steps and this response from the people is what needed.

PM Modi also said, this lockdown will turn out very costly to us in economic field but we have to balance our lives with economy. He explained the importance of this lockdown. He explained how India is praised all around the globe for this measures. It would cost us today he said but it will be very beneficial for long time race. He thanked everyone for showing obedience and following the measures.

Who said ,” what India is doing is very important, during shutdowns there will be economic consequence in country at large but more importantly individuals who live on daily subsistence who give their labour for daily bread could be affect.” He also praised the measure of providing 800 million people with food rations and cash transfer to 204 million and 80 million households will be benefited with gas cylinder.

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