Union Minister for Communications, Electronics & Information Technology Ravi Shankar Prasad on Saturday took this to Twitter that Zoya Khan is India’s first-ever transgender operator of the Common Service Centre (CSC) in Gujarat.
“Zoya Khan is India’s first transgender operator of Common Service Centre from Vadodara district of Gujarat. She has started CSC work with telemedicine consultation,” from Prasad’s tweet account.
He said that Khan aspired that the service wants to support the transgender community by enhancing their digital literate skills by providing training and all required skills.
“Her vision is to support the transgender community in making them digitally literate and give them better opportunities,” Prasad added.
Zoya, resident of Vadodara, Gujarat told ANI, “My training is underway but eventually I would like to learn about all the government schemes and plans to help the poor as well as the people of my community.”
CSC scheme is the project under the Digital India Programme that was launched to improve the reachability of the government schemes to rural and remote areas of the country. The scheme which usually employs people from both genders has been now announced the employment of India’s first transgender operator.
Asif Khan Pathan, District Manager, CSC Vadodara said, “There are over 3.5 lakh Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) under CSC scheme of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology across India. These VLEs works in 300 domains like education, health, etc.”
“As the country is changing, I thought of involving a transgender to be a VLE in CSC with the support of my colleagues. Zoya, being the first in her community would be involved in the banking and education sectors,” Pathan told.
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