From Aditi from ‘Yeh Jawani hai Deewani’ to Sky in ‘Gully Boy’ Kalki Koechlin has stunned everyone with her powerful performances, she has made her image in the industry through versatile acting. However, now it’s time for real-life performance, Kalki welcomed a baby girl on February 07, 2020. Since then Kalki is all wrapped around her daughter, Sappho and struggles of being a mother. They say that motherhood is the most beautiful feeling a woman can experience but they do not mention the struggles associated with that. Raising a kid makes a woman complete in herself but the struggles that come with the tiny trouble makers are undeniable.
Speaking of the struggles, the new mother Kalki Koechlin is experiencing a lot them this day. She shared a picture on her Instagram handle with Sappho’s smudged nappies, she captioned the post as, “Three in a row, in the space of five minutes😝 #shitgetsreal #parenting #clothnappies”. Some of her followers could relate very well and comment on her post; one wrote “This is just the beginning😜. Enjoy your motherhood. 😍”, while another posted – “I can totally relate. It’s good that it’s not your hand or your clothes. I have faced far worse! 😂 But, this too shall pass!!! 😁 another user expressing the relatability wrote – “Lol welcome to the bandwagon❤️”. Earlier Kalki posted a video in which she’s seen strumming Ukulele and singing Portuguese lullaby to Sappho which showed the pure mommy goals, whereas Sappho is also seen enjoying the lullaby lying in her cradle.
After struggling for a long time in the industry and also in real life, when she separated from her husband Anurag Kashyap, Kalki is finally happy in her life. She welcomed her daughter with boyfriend Guy Hershberg and they both are giving their best in the parenting of Sappho.