Wajid Khan, the popular music composer from the Sajid-Wajid duo. He was died on Monday morning at Surana hospital in Chembur due to a heart attack. Khan was buried around 1 PM today. Due to coronavirus pandemic, only 20 people were allowed for the funeral with police security barricades. The sources said,” Only close family, including brother Sajid Khan and Friends from the industry, were present”.
Sajid Khan, his brother confirmed to the news channel that the musician had tested positive for COVID-1 and died of cardiac arrest. Wajid’s lost composition was the superstar’s lockdown song ‘Pyaar karona’. As soon as his death come, Bollywood celebrities including Akshay Kumar, Salman Khan, Daisy Shah, Arjun Kapoor and others paid their condolence on social media.
Daisy Shah wrote in a caption,”Rest in peace Wajid Bhai. I am deeply saddened by the news by the news that you no more with us. Your contribution to the music industry will be remembered forever.” Arjun Kapoor wrote,” I can’t believe it… feels like yesterday we were doing sittings for Tevar. One of the warmest and most decent souls I had the pleasure of knowing. Always a smile on his face and a song in his heart …Thank you Wajid Bhai for the music and the memories. Rest in peace dear dear friend.”
While Salman Khan has great memories with him. His death is a great loss to him and the Bollywood film industry. We should pray for him. Rest in peace, sir. We really Miss you…sir.