Amid the lockdown due to Covid-19, the Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is also keeping in touch with her BFFs through video conferencing. As she cannot meet them physically but she did her best in keeping touch with her friends as well as with family. A moment is shared by her of the video chat with her BFFs. Alia Bhatt shared the glimpse on her Instagram handle she captioned the picture as “Alone Together.” The picture shows 7 women namely ‘Guilty’ actress Akansha Ranjan Kapoor, Kripa Mehta, Devika Advani, Disha Khatwani, Meghna Goyal, and Tanya Shah Gupta and Alia Bhatt. 8 women have logged in together to have a video chat and so they can spend quality time with each other. In the picture shared by Alia, she can be seen on the top left in a very pretty and cheerful mood. She had clicked the picture of the desktop.
After posting, within a few minutes, the picture got likes in K about 261000. Fans reacted to the post in a cute manner like “That damn smile of yours just made my worst day better!” Another commented, “Happy faces.” Also, she got a suggestion from one of her fans “Fyi you can also take a screenshot, no need to click a picture…just saying.”
Apart from just chatting she also works out with her friends, virtually. A few days back she shared a post-workout selfie on her Instagram handle after connecting with the friend Akansha Ranjan Kapoor and too with Shaheen Bhatt, Alia’s sister. On posting she captioned the selfie as, “Relying on those endorphins and my virtual workout patterns to keep the spirit up @akansharanjankapoor @shaheenb.”
Currently, Alia Bhatt is staying with Ranbir Kapoor her boyfriend. Recently, Alia visited her parents Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan amid the lockdown she maintained social distancing and also the safety measures. In one of the interviews with Mumbai Mirror, Mahesh Bhatt opened about their meeting he said, “We met a few days ago she lives a few buildings away and it’s a protected space. So she just walked across with mask and gloves and sat at a distance so she would not endanger her parents. it warms the heart to see her fulfil the social role of a responsible young child and to see your children see you what you taught them in their childhood.”
On the occasion of the earth day, she composed a poem and the actor recited the poem and shared it on Instagram. She dedicated the poem to Mother Earth.