The daughter of Ajay Devgn and Kajol, Nysa Devgn, has been trending on social media thanks to her frequent party pictures and photos. The 18-year-old acted as a model for renowned designer Manish Malhotra’s most recent collection at the Lakme fashion week 2022 a few months ago. She has since appeared in front of the public at various celebrity gatherings. Kajol has finally revealed her daughter’s eagerly anticipated film debut, while everyone is still speculating about whether Nysa intends to join Bollywood and carry on her parent’s legacy.
In response to a recent question about her children Nysa and Yug following in their footsteps and entering the entertainment business, Kajol said to Bollywood Bubble,” As for my children, I think that I will support them in whatever they want to do.
As long as there is silence, I will be present. If they are content and satisfied, that is. As a mother, I believe my main responsibility is to help my children find what brings them joy and helps them become contributing members of society, rather than directing them towards a career in the film industry.
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