Hrithik Roshan’s elder son Hrehaan turned 14 on March 28. Amid the 21-day lockdown due to the novel coronavirus, the Roshan family celebrated his birthday at their home. While Hrehaan’s parents, Hrithik and Sussanne Khan, were present with the birthday boy along with his younger brother Hridhaan, the extended family members connected through video calls. The War actor shared a video on social media. Sharing the video, Hrithik wrote, “28th March 2020. Hrehaan’s was a Happy Birthday. Thanks to a little adaptability, flexibility and technology.. God bless our children. There will be better days.. Love to all.
Birthday begins
Hrehaan is seen cutting his birthday cake at home while his grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins joined in from their respective homes through video call. Hrithik’s ex-wife Sussanne and their other son Hridhaan were also seen in the video. A few days ago, Hrithik announced on social media that his ex-wife Sussanne has moved in with him along with their kids to the actor’s home. He said that during the 21-day lockdown, they didn’t want any of the two parents to stay away from their kids and therefore decided to move in together. Thanking Sussanne in a long post, he wrote, “This is a picture of dear Sussanne (my ex wife), who has graciously volunteered to temporarily move out of her home so that our children are not disconnected indefinitely from either one of us.. Thank you Sussanne for being so supportive and understanding in our journey of co-parenting..Our children will tell the story we create for them.. I hope and pray that in order to safeguard the health of ourselves and our loved ones, we all find our way to express love, empathy, courage, strength with an open heart
Bewitching relationship
Hrithik married his childhood love Sussanne on December 20, 2000. After spending 13 years together, the couple said it’s over in 2013 and filed for a divorce. In November 2014, they officially got divorced. They are parents to two sons, Hridhaan (11) and Hrehaan (14). Despite being divorced, HritHik and Sussanne make sure that they are available for their kids. They are often spotted together on family events and trips. Recently, they went to France to ring in the New Year with their entire family.
Roshan’s Overwhelming
On the occasion of Hrehaan’s birthday, Sussanne posted a video collage for her son on her Instagram profile. She borrowed a line from the Coldplay track God Put a Smile Upon Your Face and wrote: “To my Son.. Where do we go, nobody knows. But I have to say, you are on your way. To the best ‘there’ that there is. Happy 14th birthday my ray of ‘Sonshine.’ Today tomorrow and beyond forever more, you have me to the depth of my core.
The family chat group was renamed ‘Houseparty’ and grandpare Rakesh and Pinkie, aunt Sunaina, and cousins Eshu, Suranika and Pashmina attended virtually. As the teenager cut the cake, custombaked by Suranika, they sang the birthday song.
The actor added that he hopes and prays that in order to safeguard the health of ourselves and our loved ones, “we all find our way to express love, empathy, courage, strength with an open heart.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced a complete lockdown across the country for 21 days from midnight, asserting that this is necessary for a decisive battle against the pandemic.