Bollywood stars Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal tied the knot on Thursday, 9 December. The actors shared the joys of their lives with wedding pictures on their official Instagram handle. Both Katrina and Vicky Kaushal wrote in the caption that in our hearts only love and gratitude for everything that brought us to this moment. Wishing you all love and blessings, we are going to start this new journey together.
Where the wedding pictures of both are no less than a dream. At the same time, Katrina’s fans are praising her diamond blue engagement ring. This ring of his is very beautiful. The price of this ring of Katrina is around Rs 7.4 lakh. Tiffany Soleste’s engagement ring is made of diamond and platinum.
Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif got married at Six Senses Fort Barwara, Sawai Madhopur district of Rajasthan and it was a private affair. Family and close friends attended the wedding ceremony. The couple took 7 rounds on Thursday afternoon.
Also Read | Pic shows security personnel guarding the venue on the day of Vicky-Katrina’s rumoured wedding
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