Actor Sonu Sood recently fell victim to the Income-tax (IT) department who conducted a 20-hour long survey in six different locations connected to him in Mumbai. The raid started in the late hours of the fifteenth of September and we’re back again in the early hours of the sixteenth of September in the actor’s Juhu residence. Another rumour talks about how there are investigations are taking place in more than half a dozen locations in both Mumbai and Lucknow. According to some inside sources, another investigation is being conducted with relations to a real estate deal with a Lucknow-based company.
Coincidentally, the raids took place after the actor had a meeting with AAP member and Delhi’s chief minister Arvind Kejriwal. This meeting brought up a lot of questions of whether or not Sood will be joining the party, which the actor chooses not to answer. Sood was in the news throughout the whole pandemic for being a great help to the commoners of the country. He was known for helping out students get access to the internet for their online classes and with the food requirements of people below the poverty line. AAP spokesperson, Raghav Chadha took to Twitter to express his views on the current situation, ‘This is nothing but a witch hunt by an insecure government against a giant philanthropist considered a ‘messiah’ by millions. His only crime is that he worked for the welfare of the downtrodden when they were orphaned by the state’.
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