Home » Entertainment » Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson donate plasma to help the COVID-19 patients

Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson donate plasma to help the COVID-19 patients

In early March, Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson had tested positive for Covid-19 while in Australia. They returned home to Los Angeles at the end of March after recovering. COVID-19 survivors the couple had earlier announced that they have offered their blood to help develop a vaccine for coronavirus.
The duo, both 63, shared images on social media Wednesday of their contribution to coronavirus research at UCLA.

Tom showed a bag of plasma that he’d donated to the university, and Rita showed how she was tested for antibodies prior to making her own donation.
Plasma from people who have survived Covid-19 can contain antibodies to the disease. Researchers are investigating the use of this plasma to help patients battling severe cases of the virus recover faster.
Tom said that after the paperwork- “the procedure was as easy as taking a nap.”

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