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Dwayne Johnson, the wife and his two daughters test positive for Covid-19, check here

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson confirmed on Instagram a few hours that he tested positive for COVID 19. Not only him; but his wife, mother and both his daughters Tiana and Jasmine also tested positive. So, I guess paradoxically being called ‘The Rock’ didn’t keep him from getting a tiny virus!

He said that this was the most difficult thing from them, and they are facing this challenge as a family.

“It is much different compared to the other injuries that I have faced till now” he added, thus once again confirming our fears that Corona isn’t just a simple disease and does need some therapeutic intervention, and we need to strictly follow the rules. We sure can take Dwayne’s word for this considering that he used to be a wrestler and has definitely been hurt in a worse.

His primary aim being taking care of his family, and protecting them he very sweetly added that he wished that it was only him that was affected.

All Dwayne fans can take a deep breath cause he seasoned that they are through the difficult part and nearly at the end of the tunnel, all in happy health; and have come out on the other side stronger and healthier than ever.

Dwayne asks us to take a moment to be grateful for blessings that we have and the good luck that we have; cause we’ve all been hit by this thing, and this is a difficult time for everyone. Standing together and facing all of this with courage is the most important thing.

But we should thank our lucky stars, for the beautiful love and care that we are surrounded with.

He mentioned his beautiful daughters who hardly showed any symptoms, and the parents isolated themselves at the right time for the best.


Dwayne also shared some tips, asking not to go for any social gathering as they picked it up from one of their close friends, reminding us once again that it is an air-borne disease. Having friends over isn’t always the greatest idea he declared.
Getting everyone tested before they come over is the most basic thing to do. Boosting immunity is the most important thing for him.

“Control the controllable”, he added, there always should be a commitment to wellness and health and strict discipline should be followed.

“Wear Masks,” he said with a very serious face. It is the right thing to do, not only for yourself but for others at least.
He saluted all the Doctors for their role in COVID 19, and send out loads of love and support for all.

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