With the Indian government implementing lockdown across the country during the coronavirus pandemic, everybody has quarantined themselves including the Bollywood celebrities as the entertainment industry has all come to a standstill. Since the starting of the lockdown ace filmmaker, Karan Johar has been sharing cute videos of his kids and has been entertaining his fans. Recently, Karan Johar shared a video of Yash on his Instagram story. In the video, Yash is seen holding a combing brush and is trying to comb his hair. While Roohi is around but her face is not seen. When Karan asks Yash what is he doing, he innocently replies, “combing my hair and going fancy”, listening to his Karan burst out of laughter and says, “You’re looking fancy?” Karan uploaded the video on his Instagram stories and captioned it “fancy…..”
Karan Johar’s lockdown with Johar’s tale started when he shared a video on his Instagram handle where Yash and Roohi are seen tossing their father’s fashion choices and, as the lockdown tales continued they move from closet to the bathroom where Karan says panning the camera towards a bathtub, “wow a tub” and then asks Roohi what is she doing she says that the tub is useless and Karan laughs and agrees with that and then he turns the camera towards Yash and asks what is he doing, the little boy replies, “I’m washing Dadda” Karan repeats his sentence and laughs, Karan captioned the post as, “Shower shenanigans! #lockdownwiththejohars.” Karan recently shared a video of his little toddlers dancing and jumping and running around while the music plays on their golden-coloured Carvaan. These amazing videos and now this video of Yash going fancy are cute for words and we hope that the Johars keep entertaining their fans during the lockdown.
In the wake of coronavirus pandemic, Karan Johar and Zoya Akhtar organised a fundraiser concert which included Shah Rukh Khan, Alia Bhatt, Siddharth Malhotra, Varun Dhawan and many other celebrities interact with their fans virtually from their homes.